To usher in the auspicious Year of the Dog in 2018, Software Dynamics (SDM) organized a “Loh Sang Dinner” for its key customers at Noble House Restaurant on 28th Feb 2018, Tuesday.
In order to make its dinner special, a classic CNY welcome song was performed by 2 of its staff, the dinner continued with a welcome address by Mr Ling, founder of SDM. Mr Ling welcomed everyone during his opening speech and thanked the team for making the event a success.
The dinner started right after the uplifting welcome address, the Yee-Sang was served and what an event that was! Everyone raised their chopsticks for the Prosperity Toss – raw fish, shredded vegetables, pepper, sesame seeds, crispy crackers were flying through the air, signifying abundance of luck, wealth and prosperity ahead.
The dinner was further cheered by a karaoke contest; in addition to that, SDM also conducted some games to bring another excitement to all attendees.
The dinner ended after a couple more songs with goodies bags given away as a prosperity gifts to our guests at the end of the dinner. This Chinese New Year Dinner has indeed brought loads of joy and interaction among SDM staff and its customers.